Super Stuffed



Yes, this is what I ate today at work (in addition to the slice of Louisiana crunch cake that’s not pictured)! Where are they doing that?? They’re not. 

Apparently every month, the company gets together for a cookout/pitch-in thingy and today happened to be my first experience. Now that I know what I’m dealing with, I’ll be better equipped with some self control next time. Being within reach of all this temptation is probably the worst part of working in an office! It’s much easier when you can control what’s around. I’m going on record saying that I refuse to let this place steer me off track from my goals! You remember 30 Before 30 right? Yeah, that’s still happening. I know I haven’t updated you lately. Sue me. Maybe we’ll talk about it next week…

Anyway, I’m off to hopefully redeem myself at the gym! Have a great evening 😉

